Step 1.
Clean the lettuce heart, maintaining under water for a few minutes then spin to remove water. Cut into four parts.
Step 2.
For the vinagrette:
Freeze rasberries, then carefully pound to extract the wedges without breaking them. Chop the garlic. Mix olive oil, vinegar and and salt and add the garlic and rasberry wedges.
Step 3.
For the anchovies:
Clean the anchovies well, filet and let soak in water for an hour to remove any blood. Prepare the “salmuera” by combining the salt, vinegar and water, then add the drained anchovies. Set aside for 30-40 minutes. Chop the parsely and garlic. Remove anchovies from salmuera and cover with olive oil, the garlic and parsley.
Step 4.
Mix until uniform then pour into soda-bottle loaded with the NO2 cannister
Mix until homogeneous and introduce in a siphon with a gas charge.
To serve: Place two pieces of lettuce hearts, dress with the vinaigrette, place the anchovies on top, dress again with the vinaigrette and place a dot of yogurt foam and some basil sprouts on top.
See recipe