Valle de Caderechas Cherries - Saborea España

Valle de Caderechas Cherries


There are two areas worth highlighting in the province of Burgos where cherry production is of particular importance: Covarrubias and Caderechas Valley.


Those that are grown in Caderechas Valley have a particular smell and taste, very well liked by consumers. The special touch it has comes from the balance between sweetness and acidity.


Another feature of it is its harvesting season. In contrast to the rest of the cherries that are harvested in April, in this case, the harvest does not start until June. This difference is due to the area’s microclimate.


The harvesting and selection process takes place by hand, and any cherries that do not meet the criteria stipulated by the Mark of Guarantee Cerezas del Valle de Las Caderechas are discarded.